Archive for the ‘IED’ Category

VIDEO: Halliburton Truck Driver Catches Ambush in Iraq

Posted by liaison on February 13, 2007

Halliburton Truck Driver Catches Ambush in Iraq. Marked as: Mature,

Halliburton does not arm its civilian truck drivers, who in Iraq are often the target of insurgent attacks. In one case, on September 20, 2005, a Halliburton convoy of four trucks was ambushed north of Baghdad. All four trucks were struck by IEDs and were disabled. Their US National Guard escort was thought to have abandoned the disabled vehicles, leaving the unarmed truck drivers defenseless. Three of the four truck drivers were executed by the insurgents while the surviving driver, Preston Wheeler, caught the event on video. It was 45 minutes before the US military arrived again at the scene. However, in a statement by senior military officials in Iraq, an investigation revealed that troops did not abandon the civilians and were “exiting the kill zone” during the ambush.

This video speaks completely for itself. All questions as to why diplomats, dignitaries, and journalists don’t leave the green zone are answered in this video taken by the survivor of the Halliburton convoy.

Posted in AMBUSH, GREEN ZONE, HALLIBURTON, IED, Iraq, IRAQ CIVIL WAR, Uncategorized, VIDEO | 6 Comments »